Bessie Coleman Court

Bessie Coleman Court

This 52-unit permanent supportive housing community was named after an American aviator and the first African American woman to earn a pilot’s license. Sited at the former Alameda Naval Base at Alameda Point, Bessie Coleman Court provides permanent apartment units to formerly homeless survivors of domestic violence with deep needs. All residents living at Bessie Coleman Court receive case management and access to a range of services including support groups, community gatherings, clothing, and household items, and life skills training. AHA provides housing vouchers to select Bessie Coleman residents.

Referrals to Bessie Coleman Court are made through Alameda County’s Coordinated Entry System.  If you are interested in learning more, you can reach out to a local Housing Resource Center for more information about what kinds of resources may be available, potentially including things like Permanent Supportive Housing or other Coordinated Entry resources.  Information about Housing Resource Centers can be found at this website link.