What if I don’t fix the tenant fail items?

What if I don’t fix the tenant fail items?

July 8, 2022

Your Section 8 Housing subsidy is at risk if you do not fix tenant fail items in the timeline
required. If you need additional help, please contact LifeSTEPS (see list below)

Raquel Ellis: (Independence Plaza, Ann B Diament, Littlejohn Commons)

Phone Number: 510-306-8033

Email: rellis@lifestepsusa.org

Angel Reyes: (Esperanza, China Clipper, Parrot Village & Gardens, Eagle Village, Everett

Commons, Rosefield Village)

Phone Number: 510-410-0161

Email: areyes@lifestepsusa.org

Trevor Jackman (Rosefield Village)

Phone Number: (510) 566-3706

Email: tjackman@alamedahsg.org